September Energy Update


The first half of September will serve as a time to turn inwards, to reassess and refine. The second half of September will bring with it a renewed sense of confidence, direction, and enthusiasm.

It has become clear, now more than ever, that a metamorphosis is continuously occurring within every level of existence. This is leading many of us to question everything, in a way that is transforming our inner and outer being at lightning speed, helping us see beyond the veils of illusion.

Have you felt your tolerance lessen for anything not coming from an authentic space?

Has your desire or need to please others, in order to receive their love and approval, diminished even more in recent months?

Are you finding it easier to speak up and say what you really desire to say—to speak your truth, instead of what you think people want to hear?

Are you craving deep and meaningful connections?

Are you noticing that when past traumas, memories, and experiences resurface, that they don’t have the same tug on your emotions they once had?

If any of these resonate, then you are likely experiencing a metamorphosis.

This can feel uncomfortable at times (especially to the mind). You may be feeling as if you’re not your usual self. Yet know that this is absolutely part of the experience and that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be on your journey. As the authentic self continues to expand and thrive, a reality that reflects greater freedom will begin to reveal itself to us all.

A Path to Freedom

These 3 steps can serve as a foundation to expand into greater freedom:

The first step is to become crystal clear about what kind of reality we desire to create.

The first half of September will offer us the space to go within and do that. As soon as we have clarity on what we desire, we can then expand on it by asking for that.

As empaths, many of us tend to shy away from asking for what we authentically want, because we prefer not to “rock the boat” or burden anyone. These are coping mechanisms that lead empaths to settle for less.

If you are an empath, I invite you to contemplate the following:

What if asking for what we desire gives the Universe the opportunity to rise up and actually give it to us?

What if this is what the Universe desires from us—that we simply ask—because that helps it to expand even more?

How does it feel to ask yourself questions like this? Whatever feeling comes up, simply observe and let it be. Just contemplating questions like this helps to open up new neuropathways in the mind that reconnect us with our freest, most authentic selves.

The second step to aligning ourselves with greater freedom is to get clear on what freedom actually is to us, and then intentionally integrate more of that into our day.

What does freedom look, feel, taste, smell, and sound like to you?

Connecting with our free Spirit is a moment that asks us to be more in the heart, and less in the mind.

What are some things that help do this for you? It could be listening to a song that evokes joy in you every time you hear it. It could be sitting under a tree, as you take in the view of a beautiful lake or ocean. It could be the fragrance of a flower that brings back memories of running freely in a field as a child.

Freedom Lives in the Heart

When we align with the heart, we become open and available to life’s abundant blessings.

The third step to aligning with greater freedom is to take more risks.

Because of how sensitive empaths can be, taking risks isn’t always our first choice (though for some, that may be due to their particular personality makeup.)

Though it can sometimes seem a bit uncomfortable to take risks, risk-taking actually has the gift of helping us expand beyond old limitations.

A productive way of taking a risk can be to invest in ourselves—our well-being, or our gifts, talents, and contributions to the world. This can manifest through actions that further our health and well-being, spiritual development, or creative ventures.

These 3 steps together can help us expand into greater freedom. They can also help us be more prepared for times of great change.


As we move into mid to late September, the theme of balance will take center stage.

Creating balance can sometimes seem like a foreign concept to the mind. The reason being, that humans have amassed within themselves thousands of years of survival-based patterns acquired from cultural traditions, social structures, and belief systems. These constructs affect both the conscious and subconscious mind. Many tend to keep us in a state of inner imbalance, which we have come to accept as normal. We may not even be aware that these constructs are just learned behavior.

For example, since the beginning of our experience on this planet, humans have collectively internalized beliefs that say that in order for us to grow, evolve, and experience our desires, our life must be challenging and hard. This belief is a coping mechanism the mind uses to remain rooted in patterns of survival, which it uses to protect itself.

The belief that we have to struggle or work hard for what we want has also served as a kind of initiation for the mind, helping it feel more accomplished and satisfied after overcoming outer obstacles. But these beliefs have nothing to do with who we truly are. They are just energetic patterns the mind has identified with for eons, so it could learn lessons, grow, and evolve.

We can be grateful to our ancestors, and all aspects of ourselves from past and present, for choosing to believe that things had to be limited or hard in order for us to grow and learn from them. All of that brought us to where we are now—to a much more enlightened awareness of ourselves and the world around us.

The energetic baton can now be passed from our unconscious self to our Awakened Self. From here, we can see that moving through life and its challenges can be something to embrace rather than resist. As we move into higher states of consciousness, our Spirit gives us the opportunity to release the need to believe life has to be hard in order for us to grow.

From there, we can begin to achieve a balanced state of being.

Divine Initiation

As we move through the autumn months, through winter, and well into spring, a Divine initiation will occur.

Personally and collectively, we will continue to be called to heal and embrace the egoic aspect of the mind, in a way that alchemizes it from what it perceives as being a wounded and traumatized self, to a whole and Divine self. The ego-mind has a purpose, and that purpose is to observe and process life through our inner and outer senses. The thing is, over time, the ego-mind forgot its true purpose.

It decided to identify with survival patterns, which kept it constantly in self-protection mode. So, the ego-mind decided to believe that its purpose was to survive. But now, we have an expanded understanding available to us.

Who would you be if you no longer operated from self-protection mode?

Can you imagine how freeing it would be to live our lives in a completely open way? Loving and trusting that our Spirit is keeping us safe, 24/7?

Well, this is exactly what is happening!

The ego-mind is realizing that it can no longer survive in the old destructive patterns of control, domination, and fear that it identified with and found comfort in for so long. It’s important to note that we learned great lessons from these old patterns. But we no longer need to keep recreating them to receive more lessons on that level.

We are now ready to move on.

During this time, as the Divine initiation is helping us move from a fear-based self to our Awakened Self, chaos seems to be everywhere.

This is because the collective ego-mind is having to graduate from always being in resistance mode to being open, flexible, and at peace. This shift can feel unsettling for the ego-mind because it prefers what it’s used to. But when the ego-mind realizes how much it will gain and experience by letting go of the need to identify with control, fear, and separation—it will be inclined to embrace its true purpose of being the conscious and open observer.

Completing Old Agreements

September will also serve as a great time to complete old agreements, so they no longer hold us back in any way. One of these old collective agreements is the belief that we are just insignificant human beings who exist in a paradigm of difficulty because “that’s just how it is.”

This running mind program is the foundation for why there are so many injustices, imbalances, and hierarchal systems in the world. It’s time to end these agreements, so we can begin new ones far more aligned with the most expanded version of ourselves.

As human beings, we are magnificent and powerful Universal beings.

We are literally the Universe in physical form, with the ability to have this awareness of ourselves!

Over the next several months, we’ll notice that choosing to play “small” will begin to feel impossible. This is our Spirit saying to us, “I can no longer be confined by the belief that I/You are anything less than holy, powerful, and the Universe Itself in physical form.”

Prior to entering the third-dimensional experience, many of us signed up to help usher in the great shift that began decades ago. Through this agreement, many of us took on specific obligations, to ensure that the great shift would come to fruition. We knew that these agreements were not for the faint of heart. Yet out of love for Earth and her people, we volunteered to take them on, knowing we could handle them.

And we’ve done exactly that.

Now we have reached the expiration date on these old agreements. They are becoming null and void in this new consciousness we have manifested. We can now experience true freedom if we want it—the freedom to choose everything that aligns us with our most authentic selves. Difficult conditions and limitations do not have to be “the norm” for us personally or for the collective. Of course, we are absolutely allowed to believe that they are. Yet we also have the freedom to believe that we have outgrown them, and can move on.

If you’ve felt that there was some type of resistant force at work in your life, even though you were diligently doing your inner spiritual and re-connective work, you now know why. It was never personal; it was simply an old agreement that needed to run its full course before it could end. We are living in the times our ancient ancestors talked about thousands of years ago! It’s happening all around us here and now.

-Emmanuel Dagher

July 2020 Energy Forecast

The month of June was filled with some of the most powerful celestial alignments of the year, which left many feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.
July will serve as a time of integration, helping to create the space for all of us to breathe, recalibrate, and come back to our center. This time of integration will help us re-energize as we prepare for all the changes yet to come.


This month of integration will also help create a space of support for many newly awakened hearts and minds. People are waking up at an accelerated speed right now, and are looking to connect with and learn from those who have been on a spiritual path for a while.
During times of integration, it’s important to align with practices that can help us connect with our authentic inner state of peace. Meditation is a practice that can facilitate wonders during these ever-changing times, as we align with our peacefulness.
Because the mind has previously learned it must try to “figure everything out,” especially during times of great change, it’s easy to find ourselves reattaching to old coping behaviors that keep us stuck in vibrations of fear, worry, and lack.
This is why meditation or any other personal practice that can help us align with our true inner peacefulness is pivotal at this time. The “trying to figure everything out” response is a sign of resistance. The mind is trying to be in control to keep itself feeling safe and protected. Yet when resistance comes up, it is a clear confirmation that big breakthroughs are just around the corner, if we open ourselves up to them.

Times of Integration often lead to big breakthroughs. Many breakthroughs in our path of growth begin with what many perceive to be a breakdown of mind, body, or emotions. Breakthroughs happen when the mind feels it has reached a tipping point—the uncomfortable realization that the old thoughts and methods are no longer serving us. The breakdown comes from the shock of realizing that change must happen, even though that feels very uncomfortable to the mind. It resents the internal shifts that come with growth, because it has been trained to think of change as something that will take away the identity it has created for itself. It fears no longer being needed in the way it usually functions. Yet there always seem to be people who know how to embrace change, who aren’t troubled by the shifts the mind must make. They seem able to reinvent themselves, to evolve to an even greater version of who they are.

How are they able to grow without the struggle so many experience, and to embrace change happily?
Think of someone you know who takes on shifts and changes easily, letting things flow without resistance or fear. These “free spirits” aren’t attached to the old familiar ways, so they can allow change without feeling threatened by it. Notice how you feel when you are around someone like this. You probably relax more, as you experience the easy flow of this person’s energy. You see them viewing life more through their heart than through their mind.

Unlike the mind, our Spirit isn’t put off by change. It’s fueled and excited by it. In fact, it thrives on change! Yet it’s not unusual for most of us to feel butterflies in our stomachs as we consider a big change, or deal with a new situation. This isn’t actually fear, or a warning about some upcoming event. It’s our Spirit dancing with excitement, letting us know that we are moving forward in new and empowering ways. Yet the mind interprets the butterflies to mean nervousness or fear, because in its limited way, it doesn’t really grasp what’s happening. When that happens, just speak quietly to your mind, to let it know that those feelings are a sign from your Spirit that it’s creating a wonderful new experience for you. Let it know it can release all fear. That just isn’t needed anymore.

The energies that came in during June have been nudging us to go well beyond our comfort zone. If we didn’t understand that this was happening, we may have had times of feeling lost, confused, and at a point of experiencing some sort of emotional, mental, or physical breakdown. Yet breakdowns can lead us into amazing moments of growth. In fact, a breakdown really just means “a dismantling of limiting patterns that no longer serve our higher good.” We are now at the point where we are no longer able to find comfort in limiting patterns. This may feel like a crisis, but it is the kind of crisis that births a whole new outlook. It can be one of the most spiritual experiences we can have. Because in that crisis moment, we have a chance to reassess our lives, and to create a new and higher reality for ourselves. If we’re ready to learn from the breakdown, the next chapter of our lives can look much brighter as we experience more of our spirit’s power and our own higher selves.

Among the many amazing shifts we are seeing now, one of the biggest is the balancing of masculine and feminine energies. For eons of time in our third dimensional reality, humanity has been influenced primarily by the “sleeping masculine” archetype, which has believed it is separate from Divine Source. This is the aspect of masculine energy that represents the illusions of fear, greed, suffering, lack, and survival. It is quite clear that this aspect of masculine energy, which long ago forgot its divinity, is trying its hardest now to exert a big push to keep its controlling grip on humanity. This can be seen easily in many branches and sects of religious organizations, governments, ways of thinking, society, and corporations that rely heavily on using fear and separation to promote their agenda.

It’s only through the Divine Feminine that the divine aspect of masculine energy will awaken, and return to its original patterns of pure perfection. It’s through the Divine Feminine that the Divine Masculine will return as part of the New Earth.
The Divine Feminine represents Divine Love.
The Divine Masculine represents Divine Action.
Divine Love is the most powerful energy in all of existence. It’s where everything comes from. It’s the sacred heart and womb from which everything is birthed. Divine Love knows no judgment. It only knows wholeness and completion.
Divine Love expressed, is compassion.

For eons of time, humanity was led to believe (through the teachings of a form of masculine energy that had released all connection to its divinity) that the Source of all existence was a man—a powerful male energy that lived up in the sky somewhere. This type of conditioning lent itself perfectly to fueling the fear and survival-based patterns that led humanity to give its power away to a select few. But now, something tremendous is happening. The fear bubble of humanity has popped, and the collective mind (though scrambling a bit) is waking up more quickly than ever. This is helping the aspect of the sleeping masculine that has ignored its divinity to heal, and to remember its divinity once again, within all of humanity.

For many who were steeped in the fear and survival patterns, there is a learning curve taking place, as they adjust to a new way of being that is in line with their I AM presence/Spirit self—the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of themselves.
It’s important for us to give those who are finding it challenging to transcend their old fear and survival patterns the space to integrate and to heal. When fear no longer has a hold over the consciousness of humanity, freedom follows.

We can contribute to the healing of the masculine, so we can set ourselves free from its old paradigms. We can do this by choosing to be a compassionate presence for ourselves and for humanity as a whole, as we all adjust to the changes that are shifting us out of the old, fear-based patterns. Compassion is the ability to observe humanity’s resistance to change without judging that stance, or trying to fix or save it. From this space of compassion, we can embody and express unconditional love for ourselves and humanity.
When we and humanity receive deep and nourishing love through compassion, we see that the collective mind and our own minds are much less likely to resist the healing and transformation now occurring in our world. Through compassion, we can support the Divine Feminine as She works to heal the masculine energy that has forsaken its own divinity.

The Merging of Two Worlds

As the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine continue to fully awaken in the heart of every being across all time and space, a merging of two worlds is happening. To better understand the significance of the merging between these two worlds, and what will happen when they do, it’s important to understand what these two worlds actually are.

The Old Earth
The Old Earth is a collective creation of thoughts, actions, and ideas that reflect the part of masculine energy that has forgotten its Divine nature. The Old Earth foundations stem from the lower form of the patriarchal archetype. That belief structure has long used forms of fear, control, greed, and chaos to manipulate the mind through survival patterns.
Those survival patterns promote separation of the mind from our Spirit/I AM presence.
When the mind “thinks” it is separating itself from our Spirit/I AM presence, it becomes vulnerable to thoughts, beliefs, and deeds that convince it that its main priority is self-protection and self-preservation. The mind then believes it must create a separate world for itself, reinforcing the belief that the only way to stay safe and protected is to remain in fear, control, and chaos. This then becomes a stream of consciousness that plays on auto-pilot. It places humanity on a looped outer reality of continued fear, unhealthy forms of control, and chaos. The Old Earth was created eons ago, when we as a collective entered the time of the Great Forgetfulness. This was originally intended as an experiment, so we could experience different aspects of ourselves in the third dimension. We would receive all of the rich blessings the third dimension has to offer, through the gift of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, and then continue up the spiral of evolution.
The idea was that we would materialize ourselves into physical form, and experience our multifaceted spirits through third dimensional feeling, thought, and action. However, somewhere along the way, the mind simply forgot about all of this. It began to believe that the physical realm is the end-all, and that at all costs, it must try to keep itself in that realm for as long as possible. The mind then moved from being the observer and co-creator of third dimensional reality, to the survivor and victim of it.

The New Earth
The awesome news now, is that this timeline is quickly approaching its expiration date, as a New Earth begins to anchor itself. The New Earth is a collective creation of thoughts, feelings, actions, and ideas that reflect the parts of the Feminine and Masculine energies that have always remembered their Divine nature. The New Earth is the reality that is anchoring itself as a direct result of the increasing balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine—a balance that is awakening within the heart of every woman, man, and child across all of time and space. The center point where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine meet represents the Source of all life. It’s there that a new reality can thrive—one of Unconditional Love, oneness, freedom, peace, ease, community, creativity, purity, abundance, compassion, communication, nourishment, fairness/balance, beauty, Divine power, reverence, Divine action, and sacred communion. As the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine continue to immerse themselves into every molecule of our third, fourth, and fifth dimensional realities, they are breathing all of these sacred experiences back into the heart, mind, and psyche of all existence. This is creating what our mind will come to know as the New Earth. The New Earth is manifesting itself in our third dimensional reality now, even though it was always available, whenever we connected with the fifth dimension. It’s all around us. The only refinement that’s taking place is our conscious awareness of it.

As our consciousness continues to evolve and become more refined, the gap between the Old and New Earth will narrow.
That is what is happening now.
Many empaths, way-showers, and others who are sensitive to energy have been observing the current wave of awakening taking place for humanity. It is a splendor to witness.
However, at the same time there’s a sense of “loss” in the collective that those of us who are sensitive can easily feel. And if we are unaware of what’s happening, it can be easy to internalize this sense of loss as our own. That’s why so many empaths are feeling the call to grieve and mourn at this time. They are saying goodbye to the Old Earth on behalf of humanity. What we are really experiencing is the collective grievance of the Old Earth dissolving, as it is fully alchemized into light—the transmutation that is the birth of a New Earth. If you are experiencing a sense of loss, or feeling that something is “missing” at this time, be gentle with yourself and know that this too shall pass.
Once the dust settles, we will understand that the mind was only doing what it was conditioned to do since forgetting its divinity all those years ago. Of course, when we realize this, it becomes easier to have compassion for our mind, for having chosen such a survival-based reality. With this clarity, it becomes much easier to understand what’s really happening, so that we no longer find ourselves getting caught up in the details of why things are happening as they are. Instead, we can focus on the bigger picture, which offers us a clear knowing as to what’s really going on.

The 2020 Harmonic Convergence

Many can still recall the Harmonic Convergence of August 16 – 17, 1987, when many thousands around the world joined together for the world’s first global peace meditation.
The event celebrated the energetic shifts brought in by an amazing a set of planetary alignments that only happen once every 10,000 years.
People around the world were invited to gather near sacred sites at dawn for those two days in August 1987, to (as organizers described it) “open the doors to the final 26 years of the 5,125-year Mayan Great Cycle.” They knew this would be a time of unprecedented shifts, as we prepared for a whole new era in Earth’s evolvement. And they were right!
Because of the energies evoked by those planetary alignments, many believe those two days in 1987 opened the door to Earth’s beginning Her ascension into the fifth dimension.
Both the planet and humanity’s consciousness then began receiving an ongoing flow of higher energies that are now forming the New Earth—all of it intensified and supported by that global Peace meditation in 1987, and many others that have occurred since.

Now in 2020, we have the opportunity to do it again! Millions around the world will gather to co-create the next Harmonic Convergence through worldwide meditation which will take place from July 5 – 14 and July 25 – 26, 2020.
The most important thing is to actually connect energetically to the intention of bringing humanity into higher states of consciousness, so the world can heal.

What an extraordinary time to be fully together on this journey!

-Emmanuel Dagher

Strawberry Full Moon Lunar Eclipse June 05, 2020

Eclipses usher in change. Bringing forth unconscious feelings to the surface, exposing our shadow self for healing.
A lunar eclipse exposes cyclic patterns that require releasement.
Now combine this with the energy of tonight’s full moon and we are gifted with deeply transformative energy for clearing and cleansing everything within the shadow.
It is a great time for setting intention and overall healing. Trust whatever comes forward for healing for this is a blockage that requires releasement at this time.
The universe is assisting us in releasing blockages, false belief systems, negative thought patterns, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and the like so that we can be placed on the highest timeline for our best life ever!

June Energy Update

The energy in June is picking up speed and changing directions as we get closer to some of the most powerful celestial alignments of the year that commence with the summer Solstice on June 20th, followed by the Solar Eclipse on June 21st, and then the Lunar Eclipse on July 5th. This trifecta of celestial alignments will support us with moving up another octave in our personal and collective awakening and will continue to create immense change in the world the following months ahead.

Emergence of a Planetary Civilization

If we view things from a zoomed-out perspective, we can see that the current awakening we are moving through is bringing us closer to becoming a planetary civilization. The creation of a planetary civilization will allow us all to unite as one global family, and to create a reality that supports the greatest good of all people, rather than just a select few.
This shift is moving us out of the old archaic “Us vs. Them” mentality, into a “We” mentality, where we respect, honor, and value one another and our Earth. The culmination of all the upheavals we are moving through as a collective is actually paving the way to forming what physicists call a “Type I civilization.”
This transition is perhaps the greatest transition in Earth’s history, marking a sharp departure from all of our civilizations of the past.
Every headline that dominates the psyche of the collective right now reflects, in some way, a stretching effect that is expanding human life into a whole higher form of civilization.
The old forms of commerce, trade, culture, language, entertainment, leisure activities, and more are all being turned upside down by the emergence of this planetary shift.
What this means, is that although we’re seeing a great deal of chaos in the world, it’s all happening as part of a shift in consciousness that’s paving the way for something much greater to emerge.
If we just reflect on the advancements that have taken place in recent years, we can see many confirmations of the shift that’s taking place. Higher vibrational ideas and actions that may not have been accepted before are now becoming mainstream and considered “normal.”
The next few months will serve as a pivotal time, as we personally and globally take a quantum leap in the direction of creating a planetary civilization.

Quantum Leaps

When we move through a quantum leap of consciousness like the one we are in now, the fabric of the world around us changes completely.
We are already seeing glimpses of the new fabric of our lives taking form, as the previous fabric starts to gently soften and fade into the background.
Anytime a quantum leap in consciousness occurs, it usually unfolds in ways that affect our personal lives, such as:
A desire to be more active and productive
A desire to begin something new (project, business, career, hobby, relationship)
A desire to clean and simplify our home
An awakened inner fire and passion for life
A desire to learn a new language or instrument, and to travel
A desire to take a course, workshop, or lessons in a new area
A desire to think bigger, and outside of the box
A desire to release people, places, and experiences that are no longer supporting our greatest good
A desire to feel even more connected to our Spirit and the Universe
A desire to look at and resolve old patterns that have held us back from being our most authentic and honest self
A desire for community
A desire to make a difference
A desire to be more loving, compassionate, and kind with ourselves and the world
A desire to make our inner peace and well-being a top priority in our lives
A desire to take better care of our body and inner being (eating healthfully, exercising, meditating)
A desire to recognize the divinity within ourselves and others
As a collective, we will notice outer changes as well:
Things that were once hidden or unknown to humanity will come to the surface to be revealed and addressed.
Science and Spirituality will merge to become one and the same, as new discoveries occur that bring their concepts together.
The old-paradigm institutions promoting a fear– and separation–based agenda will struggle, and no longer have the same hold on humanity they once had.
Anything or anyone promoting or constantly buying into separation and fear will begin to feel the heaviness of that weighing on them physically, emotionally, and mentally, making it challenging for them to continue to promote these types of energies.
New concepts, inventions, and resolutions will be introduced with the intention of helping to create greater healing and unity for our world
Different industries (food, medicine, supplements, etc.) will take another big step forward in bringing healthy, transparent, sustainable products to the masses.
People from all walks of life will find they have way more in common with one another than they had ever thought, allowing people to unite and create more and greater positive changes in the world.
Many people with platforms to make a difference will step up and do even greater things than in the past.
The music and art that comes out during and after these next few months will also reflect the powerful changes occurring now
And much more!

When we move through great transitional cycles such as the one we are currently in, it can bring up many old thoughts and emotions we have not yet fully resolved and healed.
Thoughts and emotions are very real and hold palpable energies. If they don’t have a healthy outlet through which to be fully expressed, they will store themselves in the body and mind where they will continue to ask for our attention.
During the month of June and beyond, rather than try to bury, hide, or look away from any undesired thoughts and feelings that come up, let’s give ourselves permission to embrace and honor these thoughts and feelings as if they were our children.
Every thought and feeling that activates something within us that doesn’t feel good, is actually a request from our mind for even more love, acceptance, and compassion from us. Whatever stories the mind creates, it always comes back to the desire to receive love and compassion from us.
When we give ourselves the kind of love and compassion we desire to receive from the greatest love of our lives, the mind will have less of a desire to use unkind or uncomfortable thoughts and feelings to get our attention, because it already feels the love and attention we’re sending.
For every unkind reaction we’ve had towards a loved one, friend, colleague, people in our environment, and ourselves, let’s give ourselves full permission now to honor the fact that our mind was just doing that as a way of asking for more love and attention.
From this space, we can have more compassion for the mind, thanking it for simply doing the best it knew how, and for calling our attention to something within us that needs healing.
And now that the mind has our attention, we can thank it for protecting us and keeping us safe in the best way it knew at the time.
The month of June will be an excellent time to put into practice a more loving relationship with our mind.
This will help to ensure that any of the ups and downs in our emotions, activated by all of the energetic changes taking place, will be more stabilized. This will help us feel greater peace and ease as we travel through this time of powerful transition. This will also help us not get caught up in the stories the mind sometimes likes to create, which can often leave us feeling helpless or stuck.
Embracing our mind doesn’t have to look like rainbows and butterflies every day. But it does help us have a better understanding of why the mind acts the way it does.
And it allows us to develop more compassion for the parts of us that we were unable to fully love and accept before now.
As intense thoughts and feelings surface, we may feel tired some days, confused or unhappy other days.
Right now, our inner self is asking for love and support in this time of great change, and we can give it that by releasing inner judgment and releasing the need to understand everything that is coming up for us.
Rather than trying to track the meaning or origin of every thought or feeling that comes up, we can simply observe those thoughts and feelings, thank them for whatever message they have brought us, and let them go.
With so much excitement going on, this is a great time for extra self-care and nurturing.
Be open to taking more time for yourself—more rest, more time in nature, more fun time, and time spent expressing yourself creatively.
This will ensure that these next few crucial months move forward much more smoothly and enjoyably for you.
-This June energy update brought to you by Emmanuel Dagher

Full Flower Moon

The final supermoon of the year is upon us. The Full Flower Moon is in the water sign of Scorpio which could cause tensions to bubble to the surface. Allow yourself a little more patience and a little less reaction.
Regardless of what chaos may be going on in the world today, the Full Flower Moon is a reminder that nature stays the course and always provides.
I AM releasing all that is not in the highest vibration of love, light, and energy.
I AM choosing to end karma by forgiving those who have wronged me and asking forgiveness of others.
I AM releasing all false belief systems, situations, circumstances, energetic cords, soul contracts, everything that is binding me from my highest and greatest good and that of humanity.
I claim my abundance now.
I claim my sovereignty now.
In all dimensions, timelines, universes. At a rate that I can handle, for my highest and greatest good and that of humanities. This or something better.
So mote it be. And so it is. 🙏

May Energy Update…

The world is shifting more quickly than ever, and because of this, the veils of illusion and separation are dissolving. The Great Awakening is happening now.

The Great Awakening

Over the last 100 years, there have been many celestial occurrences that have served as anchor points for awakening humanity. These awakening points have occurred in waves, spread out over time so that as many people as possible could evolve in the gentlest and easiest of ways. Yet the waves of awakening we are receiving currently are all happening simultaneously. They have come together to create one of the strongest waves of awakening we have ever experienced in modern times. An awakening is less about a destination we are trying to reach, and more about a way of being that results in our sovereignty–our freedom to increasingly become more of our true and authentic self.

Whenever a particular group or culture reaches a certain level of awareness, a ripe environment is created for an energetic opening to occur. This open doorway is known as a “portal” we travel through to experience greater shifts in consciousness, which tremendously shapes the way society exists.The environment we are in right now has brought us right to the welcome mat of the doorway to one of the greatest leaps in consciousness humanity will ever experience.

We are all being given the opportunity to move through this energetic opening now, so that we can fully awaken and set ourselves free from a matrix that operates in fear, lack, separation, and everything in between. This divine opening doesn’t show up outside of ourselves. It is not about being saved by an outside presence, person, or culture that is greater or more evolved than we are. Some may still be in the place where they believe that awakening is a matter of being saved by something outside themselves, and that’s absolutely OK. There’s no right or wrong in anyone’s growth process, and there is always individual choice about how growth happens.

The bigger question is, Do we want our journey into awakening to be on the easier side, or more challenging?

Each of us is exactly where we are meant to be right now. That doorway leading us to a more awakened version of ourselves will not close before we are ready to move through it. It will not leave you or anyone behind. Each of us is simply moving at our own pace. There’s no judgment as to which pace is “the right one.” Every pace is perfect and Divine for whatever path of growth and expansion we are on. The doorway to Awakening we’ve co-created is as close to us as our sacred breath.

Many who have stepped through it don’t even realize they’ve done so, until they reflect back to see how much they have shifted in the past few days, weeks, months, or years. To find out if you have stepped into your awakening, simply think back to where you were just one month ago, six months ago, or one, two, or even five years ago. Also think about how the world was back then, and how it is now.

Is everything the same? Or have things changed in big ways in your life and in the world?

It’s so clear to see, isn’t it?

Signs of Awakening

With the immense amount of powerful light flowing into our planet every day, it’s important to honor our integration process.Many of us have come to recognize the signs of these integrations as Awakening or Ascension Symptoms. For those who may not be aware of what these signs are, the list below offers some clarity on what millions of people are experiencing right now. If you are experiencing a physical or emotional symptom you are not sure about, always check with your holistic practitioner to make sure everything is OK.

If we do experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to give ourselves permission to feel them rather than resist them. Feeling them allows us to move through them more easily, rather than continue to recreate them in our reality. By feeling them, we will allow the integration process to move much more quickly, so we can get back to being our optimal selves again.

Awakening symptoms may show up physically as:

Change in appetite
Weight gain or loss
Memory loss
Ringing in one ear
Feeling disoriented
Pressure in third eye area or temples (almost like a headache)
Muscle cramps
Heightened senses and awareness
Changes in sleep patterns
Stomach aches
Hot flashes
Being hungry all the time
Awakening symptoms may show up emotionally as:

Emotional ups and downs
Bursts of laughter
Over-analyzing situations or events
Lots of unexplained, unfocused physical energy

Whatever comes up for you, please take extra care of yourself now, knowing that all will pass as it is fully embraced, felt, and honored.

In our personal lives, the Great Awakening is revealing itself in all areas of our lives, including relationships, career, health/well-being, thoughts, behaviors, desires, and personal development.

On the global scene, we’re seeing a great deal of information come to light that is laying the foundation for monumental healing and change to occur, for our planet and for humanity as a whole.

Any organization, structure, or ideology not operating from an all-inclusive, heart-centered, compassionate, respectful, and just space will simply not be allowed to continue in that manner much longer.

This shake-up is offering all of us the opportunity to evolve, heal, and expand beyond anything we’ve ever experienced. Our Spirit knew we could handle it, and that’s why we chose to be here during the most monumental time in humanity’s history. This is the time we’ve been waiting for, when we as a collective move from a primitive state of being (war, separation, fear) to an awakened state of being (unity, love, compassion, peace).

We are already seeing glimpses of this, and will continue to see other developments, such as:

New inventions—technologies and discoveries that will serve to unite, awaken, and inspire us, bringing great healing to humanity and our planet in ways we’ve previously consigned to seemingly “far-fetched” sci-fi films
Big progressions in the areas of medicine, education, business, global money exchange, governments, and other institutions. These will be reformed, refined, and upgraded to serve everyone, not just a select few who think they have been running the show this whole time.
A movement away from belief in the old patriarchal structures to new ways of co-existing, allowing for a balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in our co-creations
The shift in how human structures will work in the near future will create changes to such a degree that those structures will become unrecognizable. They will be founded on principles of integrity and transparency, and be of benefit to all people.

This transition from a primitive to an awakened state of being may not necessarily look or feel the way we imagined it would. But we are nevertheless most definitely moving forward in this direction, at warp speed.

During times of awakening, the mind tends to get extra-reactive, because it wants to survive and protect itself from the changes it knows are soon to follow. The mind resists change, because it sees change as something that’s requiring it to give up what it has become used to. Change is something the mind can greatly benefit from, and it will be on board once we let the mind know that it doesn’t have to give up anything it doesn’t want to give up in order to embrace change.

How we are experiencing life right now depends solely on where we choose to place our focus and attention. If we are focusing on surface energies (fear, lack, worry, survival,) we’ll find ourselves creating a reality that mirrors this back to us tenfold. When we choose to focus on the bigger picture by noticing what’s happening underneath the surface, that’s when deep and lasting healing begins to take place.

We have the opportunity to see many extremes now, both in our personal lives and on the global stage.

On a personal level, the highs may seem higher than ever one minute, and then all of a sudden, we get triggered, and spiral into lows we thought we had overcome long ago. Whatever shows up for you, be gentle with yourself and your mind, as it processes through these times.

The same thing is happening on the global stage as well. The thing about this intensity, is that it’s a precursor to the big changes that are unfolding now.

What is being asked of us right now is simply to become observers—Space Holders.

When we are able to step out of a reactive space—one where we’ve been triggered by our surroundings—and move into being an Observer, we begin to see every experience as simply feedback, letting us know what we either do and do not resonate with. Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge of whatever is causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all. As observers, we empower ourselves to remain centered through all situations (even challenging ones), so that we can fine-tune our knowing of what we do want to create more of. Extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we watch as observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them.

Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help:

Pause for a moment, and take three deep, full breaths.
Close your eyes.
Imagine yourself (your awareness) stepping out of your body, and see yourself sitting there with your eyes closed.
Just observe yourself for 1-3 minutes.
Bring your awareness back into your body. Start by focusing on the bottoms of your feet, and then move up the body to the palms of your hands, then your heart, then the top of your head.
Gently open your eyes.
Express gratitude to your Spirit self for reminding you to objectively “see” yourself.
This simple process immediately helps move us out of survival mode and into Conscious Creator mode. You’ll probably even feel a release in the body and mind from any tension they were holding. Doing this several times throughout the day will create space for deep healing, peace, and higher awareness to enter our experience.

Universal Support

Because many of us have been used to doing everything on our own, we may have some resistance to asking for help. The Universe is always helping us, no matter what. The Universe sends help in many ways, whether it comes through people, circumstances, messages, or personal insights. If we continue to place all the pressure solely upon ourselves to take care of everything and everyone around us, we could be blocking ourselves from receiving help and support that can benefit us greatly. If we would like a bit more help from the Universe, the only thing we need do is to simply to make that request. When we place our request, the Universe will start presenting an abundance of opportunities for us to receive help and support that is aligned with our highest good.

May this Great Awakening bring us closer together as One family, and usher in a new day where we are all open to receiving life’s most joyful and abundant blessings.

-This Energy Forecast brought to you by Emmanuel Dagher.

Pink Super Full Moon Oracle Card Reading

On the powerful night of pink super full moon energies I pulled from my Oracle decks requesting guidance on the current state of affairs of Gaia, our Earth, and our collective consciousness and the energies surrounding us at this time of ascension. I will share each card that was drawn and it’s meaning. This reading was extremely validating and very comforting.

This is from the Keys to the Universe deck, explaining all the angelic and off-planet energy support that we have during this very beautiful time of ascension and references our divine blueprint of creation which is what we’re moving towards during this ascension process. The guidance is to surround yourself with golden light, focus on the sounds of the golden qualities and breathe them up to a higher level.
This card was pulled from the deck Goddess Guidance. You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action without delay. The message from Athena says I’m happy to assist you however you’ll be most thrilled when you first consult your own inner bank of knowledge. For I assure you that this situation is already resolved and that you have access to all the wisdom that the universe supplies. To access this wisdom, you must quiet your mind. Surrender all worries and other concerns to the loving and almighty power of the universe and your creator. Close your eyes, and note the thoughts and feelings that come streaming into your consciousness. If you like, you can ask Athena to give you a signal that you’ve heard your inner wisdom correctly but I have faith I assure you that you have heard, and that guidance brings you and your loved ones very good news indeed.
This card I pulled from my Fairy deck. This card validates what we’re doing right now with quarantine. It reads….Spending time with your family and loved ones is crucial to a rich and happy life. The people you call family may be those you related to or they may be people whom you have chosen as your beloved community. Either way, offering love and support to those closest to you and accepting it in return, is very important. Make space for them in your life. It’s worth investing time and energy in your primary relationships. You can have the happy home life you’re seeking, filled with peace and emotional fulfillment.
I pulled this card from the Anubis Oracle cards. It’s called cosmic influencers which includes Ma’at, Thoth, and Khepera. I adore this card because we are getting cosmic influences and protections during this ascension process. And this is just a validation of it. It reads Ma’at balances the heart with the light of truth, while Thoth communicates with the higher language of wisdom. Meanwhile, Khepera protects Earth as he spins the world through the cycles of change as the initiate/petitioner takes the next step in his or her path of destiny. If you pulled this card, these great allies are already protecting and guiding you. Notice how the qualities of truth, balance, order, wisdom, illumination, and enlightened communication weave through the stories and cycles occurring in your life in relationship to your questions. Sit with these wise ones and remember.
This card I pulled from my Unicorn deck. This is a fascinating card as well because it’s very appropriate for the energies that we are surrounded with right now, divine feminine energies. It also touches upon us females out there not being able to get our hair done, or our nails done, etc during this quarantine time. It reads….Honor your Divine feminine energy. See your inner beauty. Love every part of you. You are a goddess a perfect aspect of the divine feminine embodied in human form. You are a miracle, gracing planet Earth with your beauty. You do not need shinier hair, whiter teeth or a slimmer figure in order to embody the goddess. She is the infinite love you hold in your heart. She is the deep wisdom that flows from your soul. She is the light in your eyes and the warmth of your smile. She is in the hands you used to heal and comfort. She is in the pleasure your body is capable of experiencing through giving and receiving touch. Your culture disempowers you by conditioning you to hate or even abuse your body, in order to sever your natural connection with the goddess. The media sets impossible standards of beauty so you shrink into feelings of your inferiority and insignificance. The unicorn goddess urges you to rise up and reclaim your right to feel beautiful from within, exactly as you are. She tells you to turn your back on the pressure to look a certain way and cherish your miraculous body just as it is. Set your own standards of beauty, starting with love, wisdom, compassion and radiance within. For men the message is the same, shun the pressure to look like a sculpted statue and focus on strengthening your heart. Honor all of the parts of you that you may have disowned before and treat your body like the divine temple that it is. Walk with your head held high, your heart open wide and let the world see the goddess or the heart warrior that walks before them.
This card I pulled from my Mayan deck. A galactic language of light. It is Kan card. This card is a validation for me that the energies we sit in at this time are extremely powerful for creating our future lives. The qualities of this symbol are manifestation, opening, erupting possibility, acting on inspiration and developing confidence. It provides healing to the solar plexus which is our chakra that governs how we feel and think about ourselves. It is represented by the number four which stands for cycles. It’s color is saffron yellow. It’s herb is dandelion or sunflower petals. It is considered the seed of enlightenment. When working with this card on your shadow side it will help eliminate fear, feelings of insecurity, limiting of new possibilities with routine. Choosing to remain safe at the expense of awakening and growth, and lack of confidence. The message… realize that you and your life are the fertile ground, and that you awaken your own dreams and possibilities. Free yourself from the illusion of safety as you enter into the manifestation of emerging possibility.

Pink Super Moon

Focus areas for tonight’s super full moon:
1) Find balance at home-With our “normal” routines non-existent, we may find ourselves feeling extremely off balance. Use the energy of tonight’s Libra super full moon to release all things that push you off balance. Use this time to examine new ways to bring more balance into your life especially within your home life. It’s said that your environment can be a direct reflection of the state of your mind. Go around your home and see what can be released to a new home or find a new way to organize some clutter.
2) Peaceful communications-Search for the path of peace during this super full moon. When close quarters of quarantine have you in an argumentative state, agree to disagree and practice anger management.
3) Look at relationships- Libra marks the halfway point around the zodiac wheel. Its said to be the turning point where the astrological energy shifts from “me” to “we.” If you are feeling dissatisfied with any type of relationship, intimate or otherwise now is the time to re-evaluate. This Libra full moon will assist in lending a diplomat hand and keeping the peace.
4) Release discrimination-The scales of justice are the Libra’s focus. Allow tonight’s super full moon to release any bias or discrimination you may be holding onto. Now more than ever is a time for us to unite instead of being divided.
Namaste my friends!

A Mass Meditation & Prayer

A Mass Meditation & Prayer is organized for Saturday April 4, 2020 at exactly 10:45 pm (EST, US) for 20 minutes & your participation is crucial!
Please join me for the largest worldwide mass meditation & prayer!
Together we create miracles! It takes a village! By joining together as One Mind & One Heart at the precise moment of the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction (opening a tremendous astrological portal) at 10:45 pm (EST, US) Saturday April 4th 2020, humanity can unite as one million points of Light to anchor in the energies of peace, harmony, abundance, freedom, healing, radiant health and the most positive ascension timeline imaginable!
Please join me in harnessing this powerful astrological alignment and create a massive shift for humanity in the most positive and harmonious direction possible. Whatever your personal view, belief, religion or creed is regarding ascension or evolution, I think we can all agree that it is time for peace, harmony, abundance, freedom, healing, and radiant health for ALL!
For us to be successful in this endeavor, it is required to set aside our differences, viewpoints, opinions, judgments, and especially not allow certain words or phrases to trigger us in a negative way, preventing us from coming together. These types of separations and divisions are what have been holding us back for so long.
If you not familiar with meditation or prayer, please DM me, I can share some ideas with you. It is important for us to unite at the same time however if you cannot make this exact time the energy will be available all day so make the most of it! I’m hoping you will join me in this momentous opportunity to bring peace, harmony, abundance, freedom, healing, and radiant health to ALL!
Namaste ♥

Channeling of Richter…

4/1/2020 431am
Tis I,
The days of dark have fallen upon planet Earth. 3 Thrine arrival. The powers that were are no more, so to on planet Earth. As Above, so Below. Fear not Ancient Ones, you have within you the Diamond codes for the Divine blueprint for Earth’s existence moving forth. Use these days of dark to go into your heart. The Diamond blueprint holds peace, love, and kindness. No room for judgement, anger, nor fear. As the days of dark press on, you to, Ancient Ones, are being asked to darken and turn down the volume of your day to day business to prepare your heart for the celebration on its way. It is time for celebrating Ancient Ones. The rose gold light is now upon planet Earth. Stay steady. Congratulations are in order Ancient Ones.
Tis I,