Pink Super Full Moon Oracle Card Reading

On the powerful night of pink super full moon energies I pulled from my Oracle decks requesting guidance on the current state of affairs of Gaia, our Earth, and our collective consciousness and the energies surrounding us at this time of ascension. I will share each card that was drawn and it’s meaning. This reading was extremely validating and very comforting.

This is from the Keys to the Universe deck, explaining all the angelic and off-planet energy support that we have during this very beautiful time of ascension and references our divine blueprint of creation which is what we’re moving towards during this ascension process. The guidance is to surround yourself with golden light, focus on the sounds of the golden qualities and breathe them up to a higher level.
This card was pulled from the deck Goddess Guidance. You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action without delay. The message from Athena says I’m happy to assist you however you’ll be most thrilled when you first consult your own inner bank of knowledge. For I assure you that this situation is already resolved and that you have access to all the wisdom that the universe supplies. To access this wisdom, you must quiet your mind. Surrender all worries and other concerns to the loving and almighty power of the universe and your creator. Close your eyes, and note the thoughts and feelings that come streaming into your consciousness. If you like, you can ask Athena to give you a signal that you’ve heard your inner wisdom correctly but I have faith I assure you that you have heard, and that guidance brings you and your loved ones very good news indeed.
This card I pulled from my Fairy deck. This card validates what we’re doing right now with quarantine. It reads….Spending time with your family and loved ones is crucial to a rich and happy life. The people you call family may be those you related to or they may be people whom you have chosen as your beloved community. Either way, offering love and support to those closest to you and accepting it in return, is very important. Make space for them in your life. It’s worth investing time and energy in your primary relationships. You can have the happy home life you’re seeking, filled with peace and emotional fulfillment.
I pulled this card from the Anubis Oracle cards. It’s called cosmic influencers which includes Ma’at, Thoth, and Khepera. I adore this card because we are getting cosmic influences and protections during this ascension process. And this is just a validation of it. It reads Ma’at balances the heart with the light of truth, while Thoth communicates with the higher language of wisdom. Meanwhile, Khepera protects Earth as he spins the world through the cycles of change as the initiate/petitioner takes the next step in his or her path of destiny. If you pulled this card, these great allies are already protecting and guiding you. Notice how the qualities of truth, balance, order, wisdom, illumination, and enlightened communication weave through the stories and cycles occurring in your life in relationship to your questions. Sit with these wise ones and remember.
This card I pulled from my Unicorn deck. This is a fascinating card as well because it’s very appropriate for the energies that we are surrounded with right now, divine feminine energies. It also touches upon us females out there not being able to get our hair done, or our nails done, etc during this quarantine time. It reads….Honor your Divine feminine energy. See your inner beauty. Love every part of you. You are a goddess a perfect aspect of the divine feminine embodied in human form. You are a miracle, gracing planet Earth with your beauty. You do not need shinier hair, whiter teeth or a slimmer figure in order to embody the goddess. She is the infinite love you hold in your heart. She is the deep wisdom that flows from your soul. She is the light in your eyes and the warmth of your smile. She is in the hands you used to heal and comfort. She is in the pleasure your body is capable of experiencing through giving and receiving touch. Your culture disempowers you by conditioning you to hate or even abuse your body, in order to sever your natural connection with the goddess. The media sets impossible standards of beauty so you shrink into feelings of your inferiority and insignificance. The unicorn goddess urges you to rise up and reclaim your right to feel beautiful from within, exactly as you are. She tells you to turn your back on the pressure to look a certain way and cherish your miraculous body just as it is. Set your own standards of beauty, starting with love, wisdom, compassion and radiance within. For men the message is the same, shun the pressure to look like a sculpted statue and focus on strengthening your heart. Honor all of the parts of you that you may have disowned before and treat your body like the divine temple that it is. Walk with your head held high, your heart open wide and let the world see the goddess or the heart warrior that walks before them.
This card I pulled from my Mayan deck. A galactic language of light. It is Kan card. This card is a validation for me that the energies we sit in at this time are extremely powerful for creating our future lives. The qualities of this symbol are manifestation, opening, erupting possibility, acting on inspiration and developing confidence. It provides healing to the solar plexus which is our chakra that governs how we feel and think about ourselves. It is represented by the number four which stands for cycles. It’s color is saffron yellow. It’s herb is dandelion or sunflower petals. It is considered the seed of enlightenment. When working with this card on your shadow side it will help eliminate fear, feelings of insecurity, limiting of new possibilities with routine. Choosing to remain safe at the expense of awakening and growth, and lack of confidence. The message… realize that you and your life are the fertile ground, and that you awaken your own dreams and possibilities. Free yourself from the illusion of safety as you enter into the manifestation of emerging possibility.
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