Channeling of Richter…

4/1/2020 431am
Tis I,
The days of dark have fallen upon planet Earth. 3 Thrine arrival. The powers that were are no more, so to on planet Earth. As Above, so Below. Fear not Ancient Ones, you have within you the Diamond codes for the Divine blueprint for Earth’s existence moving forth. Use these days of dark to go into your heart. The Diamond blueprint holds peace, love, and kindness. No room for judgement, anger, nor fear. As the days of dark press on, you to, Ancient Ones, are being asked to darken and turn down the volume of your day to day business to prepare your heart for the celebration on its way. It is time for celebrating Ancient Ones. The rose gold light is now upon planet Earth. Stay steady. Congratulations are in order Ancient Ones.
Tis I,
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